Our ancestors have much to teach us about how to embody deep earth relationships, connections with the animist powers that weave creation. Sometimes the direct knowledge of these connections has been lost or distorted, and yet these affinities emerge in things as simple as our love of the moon or desire to be in natural waters.
Listening to the old ones, our ancestors, can help us come back to our rightful place as humans within the larger network of beings who weave us into the world.
Open Circle
Wednesday, November 1st
6-8pm PT
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqce2tqTIoG93h6BT3kgv5nVhUV6VTh0Y9
During this free offering we will explore deep earth connection and how our ancient ones may have experienced their relationship with the world. We will touch into the grief of the illusion of disconnection from the earth that has happened in our lineages and look for inspirations for coming back into a relationship.
This is a free intro circle for the 5-week deeper dive into ancestral animist connections.
5-Part Series of Ancestral Circles
Wednesdays, 6-8pm PT
Nov 8, 15, 29
Dec 13, 20
$120 (contact me for sliding scale)
Register: https://makingkin.as.me/oldones
In this 5-part series we will explore elemental and other animist connections held in our lineages. We will receive ancestral attunements to animist powers and explore how we live into relationships with these powers in the context of the land where we live. We will also explore our relationships to the ancestral people of the lands where we reside and how, along side our ancestors, we can come into right relationship with those indigenous peoples.
Circles will include guided work with your ancestors (recorded for later viewing) and sharing with your fellow circlers (not recorded). It is recommended that you have at least one lineage healed using the Ancestral Medicine protocol or have completed extensive ancestral work before enrolling in this series. Having all four primary lines healed will be beneficial to your experience, but is not required. If you have questions, contact me.
Circle Content:
Nov 8 - Water and fire
Nov 15 - Land/earth and Air/sky
Nov 29 - Animals and Plants
Dec 13 - Celestial/stars/astrology and Nature spirits/the fey/other earth-based deities
Dec 20 - Coming into deeper embodiment
- Living into the relationships your people hold with the beings of the land you reside on
- Bringing your ancestors into relationship with and honoring the human ancestors of the land