I recently wrote about the importance of the mythic mind as a place where we lay claim to a larger sense of who we are as human beings. I’d like to take a moment to expand upon how ancestral work supports our connection to the mythic mind and vice versa.
The ancestral work I do is based on lineages. I can connect with individual ancestors on the lineage, but the main focus of the work is on the energy of the lineage. When I connect to my lineage is it like a flow of ancient wisdom, fed by the streams of energy of each incarnation along the line, but coming from a much more ancient source. The healing work I do helps to clarify the energy and tend to the streams, so that the waters of the ancient source run clean and true. That source energy is different from more modern and everyday consciousness. It is more mythic in nature. When I tune into my mother’s mother line the lineage holds the wisdom of the land and the waters. It is the consciousness of the mountains, the valleys, the streams, rivers, ocean. It is a sense of relationship with these aspects of earth that is deeply intimate and profound. My repair of this line came long before I actually started doing formal ancestral lineage work. It started as I began to reclaim my mythic mind through Akashic work, weaving my personal myth of my past lives. It deepened as I developed my own animist relationship with the land and the nature spirits. And then it emerged as I connected with my lineage and found that they too held a profound energy of land and water connection. Each layer of healing relied on my connection to the mythic mind and each layer brought me deeper not only into myself, but into the energy of my ancient lineage. We are meant to weave these personal myths in ways that expand the possibilities for our soul path. This often requires us to be with and tend to difficult histories, but when done without clinging to labels of victim, perpetrator or rescuer, we can harvest a great wisdom of experience that informs new creation in our current moment. And the beautiful thing about the mythic mind is that it is not logical. We do not have to make sense of anything, but rather allow it to unfold mysteriously as we sit with the fullness of our being. From that place of open awareness and curiosity, so much beauty can unfold. This is true ancestral healing. To recognize what has been and what is right now in a way so raw and bloody in its clarity that to still stand in the face of everything can only be called love.
AuthorMy thoughts on the path of deep animist relationship Archives
January 2024